Cornish Beef Pasties

The Cornish Beef Pasty, a savory delight, has its roots deeply embedded in the heart of Cornwall, South West England. This British baked pastry has been a staple for miners and workers, offering a hearty meal that’s easy to carry. Its history dates back to medieval times, with variations of the pasty being enjoyed by royalty and commoners alike. Over the years, the Cornish pasty has traveled the world, with Cornish miners and sailors introducing it to new lands. Today, it stands as a symbol of Cornish tradition and culinary excellence. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a newbie in the kitchen, this recipe will transport you to the cobblestone streets of Cornwall, with its rich flavors and historical significance.

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Cornish Beef Pasties

  • Author: Marsha



Beef skirt 1.1 lbs

Potato 3 large, diced

Swede (Rutabaga) 2 medium, diced

Onion 2 medium, finely chopped

Salt 1 tsp

Black Pepper 1 tsp

Shortcrust Pastry 2.2 lbs

Egg (for glazing) 1


Prepare the Filling: In a large mixing bowl, combine the beef skirt, diced potatoes, swede, and finely chopped onions. Season with salt and pepper and mix well.

Roll the Pastry: On a floured surface, roll out the shortcrust pastry to a thickness of about 3mm. Using a large plate as a guide, cut out 6 circles.

Fill and Seal: Place a generous amount of the filling on one half of each pastry circle. Fold the other half over to form a semi-circle and crimp the edges together to seal.

Glaze: Beat the egg and brush it over the top of each pasty for a golden finish.

Bake: Preheat your oven to 200°C. Place the pasties on a baking tray and bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown.

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