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Cornish Beef Pasties

  • Author: Marsha



Beef skirt 1.1 lbs

Potato 3 large, diced

Swede (Rutabaga) 2 medium, diced

Onion 2 medium, finely chopped

Salt 1 tsp

Black Pepper 1 tsp

Shortcrust Pastry 2.2 lbs

Egg (for glazing) 1


Prepare the Filling: In a large mixing bowl, combine the beef skirt, diced potatoes, swede, and finely chopped onions. Season with salt and pepper and mix well.

Roll the Pastry: On a floured surface, roll out the shortcrust pastry to a thickness of about 3mm. Using a large plate as a guide, cut out 6 circles.

Fill and Seal: Place a generous amount of the filling on one half of each pastry circle. Fold the other half over to form a semi-circle and crimp the edges together to seal.

Glaze: Beat the egg and brush it over the top of each pasty for a golden finish.

Bake: Preheat your oven to 200°C. Place the pasties on a baking tray and bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown.