Triple Crust Peach Cobbler

The Triple Crust Peach Cobbler is a delightful celebration of simplicity and flavor, a true testament to the joys of home baking. Imagine the luscious, sweet taste of Del Monte peaches, nestled within layers of buttery, flaky pie crust, each bite a perfect harmony of fruit and pastry. This recipe elevates the traditional peach cobbler to an extraordinary dessert experience. With its three layers of golden, crispy crust enveloping a rich, cinnamon-infused peach filling, this cobbler promises a delectable treat for all the senses. It’s a dish that brings the essence of summer into your kitchen, transforming a classic dessert into something spectacularly indulgent.

This cobbler’s charm lies not only in its taste but also in its inviting, rustic appearance, making it a perfect centerpiece for family gatherings, holiday feasts, or just a comforting weekend treat. The process of creating this dish is as delightful as its outcome. Layering the crusts, preparing the peach filling, and watching it all come together in the oven is a baking adventure that’s both satisfying and therapeutic. When served warm, perhaps accompanied by a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream, this Triple Crust Peach Cobbler becomes more than just a dessert; it’s a heartwarming experience, a reminder of the simple pleasures that homemade treats can bring.

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Triple Crust Peach Cobbler

  • Author: Marsha



6 Cans of Del Monte Peaches

3 Boxes of Refrigerated Pie Crust (2 crusts per box)

2 Sticks of Butter

2 Cups of White Sugar (divided)

1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract

1 Tbsp Cinnamon (extra for topping)

1 Tbsp Corn Starch

3 Tbsp Water

A Pinch of Salt

1 Egg (for egg wash)

1 Tsp Water (for egg wash)


  1. Preparation: Begin by preheating your oven to 350°F. This ensures your oven is at the perfect temperature for baking the cobbler.

  2. Peach Filling Preparation: In a large pot, empty all six cans of Del Monte Peaches, including the syrup. This forms the base of your cobbler filling. Add 1 cup of white sugar to the peaches and mix thoroughly. The sugar will help to sweeten and thicken the peach syrup. Next, add in 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, giving a rich depth to the peach flavor.

  3. Butter and Sugar Integration: To the peach mixture, add 2 sticks of butter and the remaining 1 cup of sugar. Heat over a medium flame, stirring occasionally, until the butter melts completely and integrates with the peach mixture. This step enriches the filling with a creamy texture and a luxurious taste.

  4. Corn Starch Slurry: In a small bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of water with 1 tablespoon of corn starch to create a slurry. This will be used as a thickening agent. Add the slurry to the simmering peach mixture, stirring it in well. Allow the mixture to simmer for an additional 10 minutes. The mixture should thicken slightly, which will prevent it from being too runny when baked.

  5. Crust Base Preparation: Take two pie crusts from your refrigerated pie crust boxes. Unroll them and lay them over a large baking pan. Make sure to press the crust into the corners and up the sides of the pan, covering the base evenly. This will form the first layer of your triple crust. Bake the crust in your preheated oven for about 5 minutes. This pre-baking prevents the crust from becoming soggy once the peach filling is added. Remove from the oven and let it cool slightly.

  6. Assembling the Peach Layer: Pour the prepared peach filling over the pre-baked crust in the baking pan. Spread the peaches evenly across the crust, ensuring a uniform layer. Pour in enough of the peach syrup to just cover the peaches.

  7. Creating the Triple Crust Top: Take the remaining pie crusts and cut them into long strips. Carefully lay these strips over the peach filling, first arranging them vertically across the pan. Then, layer another set of strips horizontally, creating a lattice effect. This forms the ‘triple crust’ – one base layer and two layers on top.

  8. Egg Wash and Topping: In a small bowl, beat 1 egg with 1 teaspoon of water to make an egg wash. Brush this wash gently over the lattice crust. This will give the crust a beautiful golden color when baked. For added flavor and texture, sprinkle a mix of cinnamon and sugar over the top.

  9. Final Baking: Place the cobbler in the preheated oven and bake for 35-40 minutes. You’re looking for the crust to turn a beautiful golden brown, indicating it’s perfectly baked.

  10. Serving: Allow the cobbler to cool for a few minutes before serving. This dish is wonderful on its own or can be paired with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra special treat.

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